Advantages and disadvantages of doing homework



 Learners develop time management

Learners are always most likely to have better time management when they plan out their study schedule, this is a very useful skill which they will use as they go through their whole educational lifespan. Having set time scheduled for homework ensures that the learners work is completed.

Students engage with their studies

Being at school the whole day in class is not necessarily enough for learners to engage with their work, doing their homework allows for reinforcement and understand deeper. This also allows for parents to engage with what their children are being taught at school.

 Teachers keeps track of learner's progress

When teachers give out tasks to be done as homework, they are able to see weather learners understood what was being taught in class and they are able to pick out the child's weakness and strengths


The most argument against homework is that it eats up valuable time kids should have with their family members, while others argues that homework is rarely valuable.
